Quantum Quick Start


Quantum Quick Start includes the Quantum Programming Core training plus UNLIMITED* Leap™ Quantum Cloud access for a whole month**.

Learners are able to complete Quantum Programming Core and then continue to utilize real-time access to both our Advantage™ quantum computers and hybrid solver services. With up to 90% in savings compared to a typical Leap™ quantum cloud subscription, start your end-to-end quantum journey with the support of our software development kit, demos, Jupyter notebooks with live code, and a vibrant developer community.

*Offer only available to first time users.

**Unlimited Leap™ access begins on the first day of the course and ends 35 calendar days later.

Course Outline

Module 1: Course Overview

Module 2: Problem Formulation

Module 3: QUBOs and Penalty Functions

Module 4: Ocean, Objectives, and Constraints

Module 5: D-Wave Solvers

Product Name Price
Quantum Quick Start Training Bundle – November 2024 $5,000.00
Quantum Quick Start Training Bundle – December 2024 $5,000.00
Quantum Quick Start Training Bundle – January 2025 $5,000.00
Quantum Quick Start Training Bundle – February 2025 $5,000.00
Quantum Quick Start Training Bundle – March 2025 $5,000.00